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Door Q1111 (1 reacties) op 25-11-2010 09:21
Many geoengineering schemes have been ugg boots short proposed, but all can be reduced to two main strategies: reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (increase the amount of infrared radiation escaping to space) or reduce the amount of solar energy the Earth system absorbs. Two of the most common examples of these geoengineering strategies involve removing carbon from ugg boots tall the atmosphere by adding fertilizer to selected regions of the ocean to increase phytoplankton growth and reflecting more sunlight by injecting tiny, non-absorbing particles (aerosols) into the upper atmosphere (stratosphere).

Last edited on: 25-11-2010 09:25

Last edited on: 25-11-2010 09:27
Door MrHetfield (1235 reacties) op 25-11-2010 09:23
Two of the most common examples of these geoengineering strategies involve removing carbon from ugg boots tall

I lol'd.
Maar goed, spambot dus. Zal BG ook getroffen gaan worden door dit virus. Sites als IGN en cracked gaan er half kapot aan...

ktugach edit: houden we natuurlijk in de gaten
3DS: 2535-3604-6726, PSN: MrHetfieldNL Switch: SW-0916-6278-0790
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