Vanavond en morgen is er weer een Mega Monday bij Zavvi. Het overzicht:
Xbox 360
The Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian: 4,54
Eat Lead: 5,69
TNA Impact: 5,69
Mirror's Edge: 9,14
Mass Effect: 9,14
Overlord II: 10,29
Battlestations Pacific: 10,29
Tomb Raider: Underworld: 10,29
Mini Ninjas: 13,74
Sacred 2: 14,89
Lego Star Wars: Complete Saga: 14,89
Grand Theft Auto IV (4) Classic: 14,89
NHL 2K10: 17,19
Where The Wild Things Are: 18,34
F.E.A.R 2: Project Origin: 18,34
Lips Number Ones Software Only: 18,34
Avatar: The Game: 20,64
Tekken 6: 20,64
Ghostbusters: 20,64
Batman: Arkham Asylum: 20,64
Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty City: 20,64
Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising: 20,64
PES 2010: Pro Evolution Soccer: 20,64
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010: 20,64
Halo 3: ODST: 27,54
The Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian: 5,69
Sonic Unleashed: 13,74
Mini Ninjas: 13,74
NHL 2K10: 17,19
Where The Wild Things Are: 18,34
Avatar: The Game: 20,64
Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising: 20,64
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010: 20,64
Madworld: 5,69
Biggest Loser: 11,44
The Conduit: 11,44
MySims Party: 11,44
Peppa Pig: The Game: 13,74
House Of The Dead 2 & 3 Return: 13,74
PDC World Championship Darts 2009: 13,74
House Of The Dead: Overkill: 13,74
Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop: 14,89
Where The Wild Things Are: 14,89
Shaun White Snowboarding: World Stage: 17,19
Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days: 11,44
Where The Wild Things Are: 14,89
Silent Hill Origins: 9,14
Medal Of Honor: Heroes 2: 9,14
Empire: Total War: 17,19
Alleen creditcard, verzendkosten +/- € 1,15 per game. Er is een koers van 1.15 gebruikt (betaal in ponden, dat is een stuk goedkoper dan in euro's).
Zavvi MegaMonday (sunday)
Geplaatst op 10-01-2010 18:24Laatste reacties

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