Deze week waren er niet zoveel nieuwsberichten, dus we zijn weer bij de MegaMonday van Boel spellen die steeds in de aanbieding zijn, aangevuld met weer wat nieuwe items zoals Brink, Call Of Juarez. Ook weer verdere afprijzingen van games zoals Red Faction: Armageddon. Het hele overzicht:
Xbox 360
Band Hero (Solus): 6.45
Guitar Hero 3: Legends Of Rock [Software Only]: 6.45
Viva Pinata: Party Animals: 6.45
Lost Planet 2: 9.95
MMA: Mixed Martial Arts: 10.95
Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet: 12.45
Super Street Fighter IV (4): 12.45
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction: 12.45
Final Fantasy XIII (Classics): 12.45
Halo 3: ODST (Classics): 12.45
Mindjack: 12.45
Alan Wake : 12.45
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West: 12.45
Assassins Creed 2 (Game Of The Year Classics): 12.45
Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2: 12.45
De Blob 2: 12.45
R.U.S.E: 12.45
Dead Rising 2 (Classics): 14.95
Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition: 14.95
Knights Contract: 15.95
Majin And The Forsaken Kingdom: 15.95
Dungeon Siege 3: 15.95
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare: 15.95
Brink: 15.95
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (Classics): 15.95
Grand Theft Auto IV (4) Classic: 15.95
Fallout New Vegas: 15.95
Grand Theft Auto IV: Episodes From Liberty City: 15.95
Fallout 3: Game Of The Year Edition: 15.95
Your Shape: Fitness Evolved (Kinect): 15.95
Splatterhouse: 15.95
Tekken 6: 15.95
Fable III (3): 17.45
Dead Space 2: 17.45
Halo: Reach: 17.45
NBA 2K11: 18.45
Tour De France 2011: 18.45
SBK: Superbike World Championship 2011: 18.45
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2: 18.45
Batman: Arkham Asylum (Classics): 18.45
Red Faction: Armageddon: 18.45
Forza 3 Ultimate Edition Classics: 18.45
Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition: 18.45
Red Dead Redemption: 18.45
Fist Of The North Star: Kens Rage: 19.95
Xbox 360 Live 2100 Points Card: 19.95
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift (Limited Edition): 19.95
WSC Real 11: World Snooker Championship: 20.95
Kung Fu Panda 2 (Kinect): 20.95
Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit: 21.95
Mafia II (2): Collectors Edition: 21.95
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3: 21.95
The Sims 3: 21.95
Dragon Age 2: 21.95
Fifa 11: 21.95
Child of Eden (Kinect): 21.95
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters: 21.95
Fight Night: Champion: 21.95
Need For Speed: Shift 2 Unleashed: 21.95
Call Of Juarez® The Cartel: 21.95
Dirt 3: 21.95
Bulletstorm: 21.95
Crysis 2: 29.45
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part Two: 29.45
Portal 2: 29.45
UFC Personal Trainer (Kinect): 36.95
Driver: San Francisco Collector's Edition: 61.45
Tekken 6 Arcade Stick Edition: 61.45
Band Hero (Solus): 6.45
TV Superstars (Playstation Move): 6.45
MMA: Mixed Martial Arts: 10.95
Lost Planet 2: 10.95
Mindjack: 12.45
Assassins Creed 2 (Game Of The Year Platinum): 12.45
Super Street Fighter IV (4): 12.45
SingStar: Guitar: 12.45
SingStar: Take That (Solus): 12.45
Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2: 12.45
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West: 12.45
Just Cause 2: 12.45
Final Fantasy XIII (Platinum): 14.95
Dead Rising 2: 14.95
Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition (Playstation Move Compatible): 14.95
Knights Contract: 15.95
Guitar Hero: Van Halen: 15.95
Prince Of Persia Trilogy: HD Collection: 15.95
Racket Sports (Playstation Move): 15.95
Tekken 6 (Platinum): 15.95
Majin And The Forsaken Kingdom: 15.95
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (Platinum): 15.95
Brink: 15.95
Fallout 3: Game Of The Year Edition: 15.95
Fallout New Vegas: 15.95
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare: 15.95
Grand Theft Auto IV (4) Platinum: 15.95
Splatterhouse: 15.95
Grand Theft Auto IV: Episodes From Liberty City: 15.95
Dead Space 2: 17.45
SBK: Superbike World Championship 2011: 18.45
Motorstorm Apocalypse (Platinum): 18.45
Disgaea 3: Absence Of Justice: 18.45
Child of Eden: 18.45
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 (Platinum): 18.45
WWE All Stars: 18.45
LittleBigPlanet 2 (Platinum): 18.45
Red Faction: Armageddon: 18.45
Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition: 18.45
Gran Turismo 5 (Platinum): 18.45
NBA 2K11: 18.45
Demon's Souls: 18.45
Red Dead Redemption: 18.45
Batman: Arkham Asylum (Platinum): 18.45
Tour De France 2011: 18.45
Killzone 3 (Platinum): 18.45
Fist Of The North Star: Kens Rage: 19.95
Motorstorm Apocalypse: 19.95
F1 2010: 20.95
Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit: 21.95
Fifa 11: 21.95
Mafia II (2): Collectors Edition: 21.95
The Sims 3: 21.95
Fight Night: Champion: 21.95
Dragon Age 2: 21.95
Mass Effect 2: 21.95
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters: 21.95
Dirt 3: 21.95
Call Of Juarez® The Cartel: 21.95
Bulletstorm: 21.95
Need For Speed: Shift 2 Unleashed: 21.95
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part Two: 29.45
Crysis 2: 29.45
Portal 2: 29.45
Dungeon Siege 3: 30.95
UFC Personal Trainer (Move): 30.95
Driver: San Francisco Collector's Edition: 61.45
Tekken 6 Arcade Stick Edition: 61.45
Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit: 17.45
Fifa 11: 17.45
The Sims 3: 17.45
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part Two: 29.45
The Sims 3: 14.95
Fifa 11: 17.45
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part Two: 29.45
Fat Princess (Essentials): 9.95
Marvel Super Hero Squad (PSP Essentials): 12.45
Echoshift: 12.45
Lord Of Arcana: Slayer Edition: 12.45
Gran Turismo PSP (Platinum) : 12.45
LittleBigPlanet (Platinum): 12.45
Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep: 14.95
Modnation Racers : 15.95
Fifa 11: 17.45
Dissidia 012 [Duodecim] Final Fantasy: 17.45
Tactics Ogre: 17.45
Eye of Judgement: Legends: 18.45
Elven Legacy Collection: 4.95
Front Mission Evolved: 9.95
Star Wars - Knights Of The Old Republic II - The Sith Lords: 9.95
Mafia II (2): 9.95
Final Fantasy XIV : 12.45
Global Agenda: 12.45
Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2: 12.45
Dungeon Siege 3: Limited Edition: 12.45
Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition: 12.45
Red Faction Armageddon: Command and Recon Edition: 12.45
Dungeons: 12.45
Homefront: 12.45
R.U.S.E: 12.45
Darkspore: 14.95
Fifa 11: 14.95
Dead Space 2: 14.95
Dragon Age 2 (PC/Mac Dual): 14.95
Bulletstorm: 14.95
Fallout 3: Game Of The Year Edition: 15.95
Fallout New Vegas: 15.95
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part Two: 17.45
Need For Speed: Shift 2 Unleashed: 17.45
Crysis 2: 17.45
Farming Simulator 2011: 17.45
Brink: 18.45
Call Of Juarez® The Cartel: 18.45
Grand Theft Auto IV: Episodes From Liberty City: 18.45
The Witcher 2: Assassins Of Kings (Premium Edition): 21.95
Portal 2 (PC/Mac): 21.95
World Of Warcraft: Cataclysm: 22.45
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn Of War II - Retribution (Complete Edition): 30.95
Call of Duty: Black Ops: 45.45
Zavvi Mega Monday week 34
Geplaatst op 21-08-2011 21:50Laatste reacties
Nog eens goedkoper worden? Is al maanden de zelfde prijs.

Zal: Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare: 15.95
Nog eens goedkoper worden? Is al maanden de zelfde prijs.
Nog eens goedkoper worden? Is al maanden de zelfde prijs.
Er komt een versie van het spel zelf + DLC, goty edtion zeg maar. Dus ja, vast wel.
edit: spuit elf

ff offtopic, weet iemand of er een GOTY van Fallout New Vegas komt? om nou al die dlc los te kopen...
Hmm, als Guitar Hero 3 onder de 5 euro komt wil ik hem wel is uitproberen 
ff offtopic, weet iemand of er een GOTY van Fallout New Vegas komt? om nou al die dlc los te kopen...

ff offtopic, weet iemand of er een GOTY van Fallout New Vegas komt? om nou al die dlc los te kopen...
Die zal er ongetwijfeld komen, de vraag is wanneer