Het is weer bijna maandag en dan is het weer tijd voor de MegaMonday bij Zavvi.com. Het is weer een behoorlijke lijst deze keer! Bodycount voor 15,95 en Deus Ex 3 voor 20.95 bijvoorbeeld, zit er ook wat voor jou bij?
Xbox 360
Band Hero (Solus): 6.45
MMA: Mixed Martial Arts: 9.95
Too Human: 12.45
Ninja Blade: 12.45
Fable 2: 12.45
Fight Night Round 4 (Classics): 12.45
PES 2011: Pro Evolution Soccer: 12.45
Mindjack: 12.45
UFC 2010: Undisputed: 12.45
Darksiders (Classics): 12.45
Halo Wars: 12.45
Majin And The Forsaken Kingdom: 12.45
Super Street Fighter IV (4): 12.45
Fighters Uncaged (Kinect): 12.45
Bioshock (Classics): 12.45
Just Cause 2 (Classics): 12.45
WWE All Stars: 12.45
X-Men Origins: Wolverine: 12.45
Motion Sports (Classics): 12.45
Stoked: Big Air Edition: 12.45
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (Classics): 12.45
Halo 3: ODST: 12.45
Forza 3 Ultimate Edition Classics: 12.45
50 Cent: Blood On The Sand: 12.45
Fable III (3): 12.45
Kinectimals (Kinect): 12.45
Dante's Inferno: 13.45
Watchmen - The End is Nigh: Parts 1 and 2 : 14.95
Bayonetta: 14.95
MX vs ATV: Alive: 14.95
Scene It? Box Office Smash: 15.95
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (Classics): 15.95
Hunted: The Demon's Forge: 15.95
Prototype (Classics): 15.95
Brink: 15.95
Lego Rock Band : 15.95
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011: 15.95
Resonance of Fate: 15.95
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare: 15.95
Fallout 3: Game Of The Year Edition: 15.95
Kinect Joy Ride: 15.95
Dungeon Siege 3: 15.95
Bodycount: 15.95
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow: 15.95
Dead Rising 2 (Classics): 15.95
Grand Theft Auto IV (4) Classic: 15.95
Dead Space 2: 15.95
Fallout New Vegas: 15.95
Halo: Reach: 17.45
The Sims 3: 17.45
Child of Eden (Kinect): 18.45
Red Dead Redemption (Classics): 18.45
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Classics): 18.45
Duke Nukem Forever: 18.45
Monkey Island - Special Edition Collection: 18.45
Grand Theft Auto IV: Episodes From Liberty City: 18.45
Major League Baseball 2K11: 18.45
Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition: 18.45
Earth Defence Force: Insect Armageddon: 18.45
Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare: 18.45
NBA 2K11: 18.45
The First Templar: 18.45
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition: 19.95
MotoGP 10/11: 19.95
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift: 19.95
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift (Limited Edition): 19.95
Marvel VS Capcom 3: Fate Of Two Worlds: 19.95
WSC Real 11: World Snooker Championship: 20.95
Deus Ex 3: Human Revolution: 20.95
Summer Challenge: 22.45
Crysis 2: 22.45
Xbox 360 Live 2100 Points Card: 22.45
LEGO Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Video Game: 22.45
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron: 22.45
Arcana Heart 3 (Limited Edition): 22.45
The Gunstringer: 22.45
Dirt 3: 22.45
Test Drive Unlimited 2: 22.45
Captain America: Super Soldier: 22.45
Dead Rising 2: Off The Record: 22.45
Top Spin 4: 24.95
Red Dead Redemption Game Of The Year Edition: 29.45
Shadows Of The Damned: 29.45
Alice: Madness Returns: 29.45
Rise Of Nightmares (Kinect): 29.45
The Penguins of Madagascar: Dr. Blowhole Returns Again (Kinect): 36.95
DJ Hero 2 Party Pack (Double Deck): 36.95
Mortal Kombat: 36.95
Saints Row: The Third (Professor Genki's Hyper Pre-Order Pack Edition): 42.95
Driver: San Francisco Collector's Edition: 42.95
PES 2012: Pro Evolution Soccer: 42.95
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine: 42.95
F1 2011: 42.95
Gears Of War 3: 46.95
X-Men: Destiny: 46.95
Dead Island: 46.95
Spider-Man: Edge of Time (Pre-order Exclusive Big Time Unlock): 47.95
Gears of War 3: Steelbook Edition: 49.45
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3: 52.95
Gears Of War 3: Limited Edition: 58.95
Deus Ex: Human Revolution Collectors Edition: 77.45
Band Hero (Solus): 6.45
The Beatles: Rock Band (solus): 8.95
SingStar: Guitar: 9.95
SingStar: Take That (Solus): 9.95
Lost Planet 2: 11.45
Singstar Abba: 12.45
Fight Night Round 4: Platinum: 12.45
The X-Factor: 12.45
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 (Platinum): 12.45
Guitar Hero 5 (solus): 12.45
Majin And The Forsaken Kingdom: 12.45
WWE All Stars: 12.45
Tomb Raider Trilogy: 12.45
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West: 12.45
Just Cause 2: 12.45
Chronicles of Riddick - Assault on Dark Athena: 12.45
Saints Row 2 Platinum: 12.45
F.E.A.R 2: Project Origin : 12.45
The Wheelman: 12.45
Prince Of Persia Trilogy: HD Collection: 12.45
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (Platinum): 12.45
Super Street Fighter IV (4): 14.95
Hunted: The Demon's Forge: 15.95
Dead Rising 2: 15.95
EyePet (Platinum Move Edition): 15.95
Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Defenders of the Core: 15.95
Final Fantasy XIII (Platinum): 15.95
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011: 15.95
Dungeon Siege 3: 15.95
Batman: Arkham Asylum (Platinum): 15.95
Brink: 15.95
Fallout New Vegas: 15.95
Tekken 6 (Platinum): 15.95
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow: 15.95
Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition (Playstation Move Compatible): 15.95
Fallout 3: Game Of The Year Edition: 15.95
Mafia 2: Directors Cut (Platinum): 15.95
Prototype (Platinum): 15.95
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare: 15.95
Bodycount: 15.95
The Sims 3: 17.45
Vanquish: 17.45
Disgaea 3: Absence Of Justice: 18.45
Child of Eden: 18.45
FIFA 11 (Platinum): 18.45
Major League Baseball 2K11: 18.45
Duke Nukem Forever: 18.45
Monkey Island - Special Edition Collection: 18.45
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Platinum): 18.45
Motorstorm Apocalypse (Platinum): 18.45
Grand Theft Auto IV (4) Platinum: 18.45
Killzone 3 (Platinum): 18.45
Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare: 18.45
Grand Theft Auto IV: Episodes From Liberty City: 18.45
LittleBigPlanet 2 (Platinum): 18.45
Infamous (Platinum): 18.45
NBA 2K11: 18.45
Star Ocean: The Last Hope - International: 18.45
Killzone 2 (Platinum): 18.45
God of War 3 (Platinum): 18.45
Heavy Rain (Platinum Move Edition): 18.45
Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition: 18.45
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 (Platinum): 18.45
Earth Defence Force: Insect Armageddon: 18.45
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (Platinum): 18.45
Gran Turismo 5 (Platinum): 18.45
The X-Factor (Includes 2 Microphones): 18.45
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition: 19.95
Yakuza 4: 19.95
Deus Ex 3: Human Revolution: 20.95
Summer Challenge: 22.45
No More Heroes: 22.45
Dance! It's Your Stage: 22.45
Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction & Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time (Platinum Twin Pack): 22.45
Resistance: Fall of Man & Resistance 2 (Platinum Twin Pack): 22.45
Captain America: Super Soldier: 22.45
The Beatles Rock Band: Two Microphone Pack: 22.45
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions : 22.45
Infamous 2: 22.45
Dead Rising 2: Off The Record: 22.45
Test Drive Unlimited 2: 22.45
LEGO Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Video Game: 22.45
Crysis 2: 22.45
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron: 22.45
Arcana Heart 3 (Limited Edition): 22.45
Get Up And Dance: 24.95
Alice: Madness Returns: 29.45
Shadows Of The Damned: 29.45
Red Dead Redemption Game Of The Year Edition: 29.45
God Of War HD Collection Volume 2: 30.95
Team Ico – Ico & Shadow of the Colossus HD: 30.95
The Penguins of Madagascar: Dr. Blowhole Returns Again: 36.95
DJ Hero 2 Party Pack (Double Deck): 36.95
Mortal Kombat: 36.95
Saints Row: The Third (Professor Genki's Hyper Pre-Order Pack Edition): 42.95
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine: 42.95
Driver: San Francisco Collector's Edition: 42.95
F1 2011: 42.95
PES 2012: Pro Evolution Soccer: 42.95
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception: 46.95
X-Men: Destiny: 46.95
Dead Island: 46.95
Resistance 3: 46.95
Spider-Man: Edge of Time (Pre-order Exclusive Big Time Unlock): 47.95
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3: 52.95
Deus Ex: Human Revolution Collectors Edition: 77.45
Mind Body and Soul: Nutrition Matters: 4.95
Rock Band: The Beatles (solus): 9.95
Shaun White Snowboarding: World Stage: 9.95
Tatsunoko Vs Capcom Ultimate All Stars: 11.45
Boogie Superstar: 12.45
Overlord - Dark Legend: 12.45
Lego Rock Band: 12.45
Zak And Wiki: Quest For Barbaro's Treasure: 12.45
Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4: 13.45
Mario Tennis: New Play Control : 15.95
U Sing 2 with 1 Microphone: 15.95
Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit: 17.45
Disney's Epic Mickey: 18.45
Dance! It's Your Stage: 18.45
Virtua Tennis 4: 18.45
Summer Challenge: 22.45
Toy Story 3: 22.45
Cooking Mama World: Babysitting Mama: 30.95
Rock Band Unplugged: 6.45
Capcom Classics Reloaded (PSP Essentials): 9.95
Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights (PSP Essentials): 9.95
Darkstalker Chronicles (PSP Essentials): 9.95
Capcom Puzzle World (PSP Essentials): 9.95
Star Wars: Clone Wars Republic Heroes: 12.45
Lord Of Arcana: Slayer Edition: 12.45
Guilty Gear Accent XX Core Plus Limited Edition: 12.45
Lego Batman: 13.45
Locoroco 2: 15.95
Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep: 15.95
Final Fantasy® IV: Complete Collection: 15.95
Modnation Racers : 17.45
Dissidia 012 [Duodecim] Final Fantasy: 18.45
Toy Story 3: 22.45
Star Wars - Knights Of The Old Republic II - The Sith Lords: 8.95
Street Fighter IV: 8.95
Mass Effect 2 (EA Classics): 9.95
Puzzler World 2: 9.95
Just Cause 2: 9.95
Mafia II (2): 9.95
Monkey Island - Special Edition Collection: 12.45
Air Conflicts: Secret Wars: 12.45
Brink: 12.45
Red Faction Armageddon: Command and Recon Edition: 12.45
The Witcher [Enhanced Edition] Platinum: 12.45
Homefront: 12.45
Star Wars Force Unleashed: Ultimate Sith Edition: 12.45
Dungeons: 12.45
Super Meat Boy - Ultra Edition: 13.45
Puzzler Triple Pack Volume 1: 14.95
Hunted: The Demon's Forge: 15.95
Duke Nukem Forever: 15.95
Settlers 7 Gold: 15.95
Fallout 3: Game Of The Year Edition: 15.95
Dead Rising 2: Off The Record: 15.95
Fallout New Vegas: 15.95
Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition: 15.95
Railworks 2: 15.95
Alice: Madness Returns: 17.45
Crysis 2: 17.45
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad: 18.45
Deus Ex 3: Human Revolution: 18.45
The First Templar: 18.45
Nuclear Dawn Plutonium Edition: 18.45
Total War: Shogun 2: 19.95
Arcania: Gothic 4: 19.95
Zavvi Mega Monday week 41
Geplaatst op 16-10-2011 22:38Laatste reacties
Thundercats Seizoen 1+2 (24 dvd's)
Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths
Batman: Under the Red Hood