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Zavvi Mega Monday week 42

Geplaatst op 23-10-2011 20:46
Het is weer bijna maandag en dan is het weer tijd voor de MegaMonday bij Zavvi.com. Nieuw zijn Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine voor 22,45, Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part Two voor 21,95 en Deus Ex 3 is er nog steeds voor 20.95.

Xbox 360
Band Hero (Solus): 6.45
Ninja Blade: 12.45
Fight Night Round 4 (Classics): 12.45
UFC 2010: Undisputed: 12.45
Super Street Fighter IV (4): 12.45
Majin And The Forsaken Kingdom: 12.45
Halo 3: ODST: 12.45
Assassins Creed 2 (Game Of The Year Classics): 12.45
Forza 3 Ultimate Edition Classics: 12.45
Darksiders (Classics): 12.45
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (Classics): 12.45
50 Cent: Blood On The Sand: 12.45
Too Human: 12.45
Fable III (3): 12.45
Fable 2: 12.45
Call of Juarez - Bound in Blood: 12.45
Halo Wars: 12.45
Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2: 12.45
Motion Sports (Classics): 12.45
Fighters Uncaged (Kinect): 12.45
Watchmen - The End is Nigh: Parts 1 and 2 : 14.95
Bayonetta: 14.95
Scene It? Box Office Smash: 15.95
Dungeon Siege 3: 15.95
Lego Rock Band : 15.95
Half-Life 2 [Orange Box]: 15.95
Brink: 15.95
Resonance of Fate: 15.95
Fallout 3: Game Of The Year Edition: 15.95
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare: 15.95
Fallout New Vegas: 15.95
Grand Theft Auto IV (4) Classic: 15.95
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (Classics): 15.95
Hunted: The Demon's Forge: 15.95
Kinect Joy Ride: 15.95
Vanquish: 17.45
Halo: Reach: 17.45
Medal of Honor (Classics): 18.45
Call Of Juarez® The Cartel: 18.45
Major League Baseball 2K11: 18.45
Grand Theft Auto IV: Episodes From Liberty City: 18.45
Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition: 18.45
Left 4 Dead 2: 18.45
Dance Central (Kinect): 18.45
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition: 19.95
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift: 19.95
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift (Limited Edition): 19.95
Deus Ex 3: Human Revolution: 20.95
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part Two: 21.95
Summer Challenge: 22.45
Arcana Heart 3 (Limited Edition): 22.45
The Gunstringer: 22.45
Crysis 2: 22.45
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron: 22.45
Xbox 360 Live 2100 Points Card: 22.45
Dead Rising 2: Off The Record: 22.45
Test Drive Unlimited 2: 22.45
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine: 22.45
Portal 2: 29.45
Red Dead Redemption Game Of The Year Edition: 29.45
Alice: Madness Returns: 29.45
Shadows Of The Damned: 29.45
Driver: San Francisco: 29.45
Rise Of Nightmares (Kinect): 29.45
The Penguins of Madagascar: Dr. Blowhole Returns Again (Kinect): 36.95
The Cursed Crusade: 36.95
Just Dance 3 Special Edition (Includes Bonus Tracks) (Kinect): 36.95
TinTin: The Secret Of The Unicorn Bundle ( With The Adventures of TinTin DVD): 42.95
Driver: San Francisco Collector's Edition: 42.95
Spider-Man: Edge of Time (Pre-order Exclusive Big Time Unlock): 42.95
PES 2012: Pro Evolution Soccer: 42.95
F1 2011: 42.95
Gears Of War 3: 46.95
TinTin: The Secret Of The Unicorn Bundle ( With The Adventures of TinTin Blu Ray): 47.95
Gears Of War 3: Limited Edition: 56.45

Band Hero (Solus): 6.45
The X-Factor: 7.45
F.E.A.R 2: Project Origin : 12.45
Guitar Hero 5 (solus): 12.45
Assassins Creed 2 (Game Of The Year Platinum): 12.45
Tomb Raider Trilogy: 12.45
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (Platinum): 12.45
DanceStar Party: 12.45
Chronicles of Riddick - Assault on Dark Athena: 12.45
SingStar: Take That (Solus): 12.45
Call of Juarez - Bound in Blood: 12.45
Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2: 12.45
Super Street Fighter IV (4): 14.95
Half-Life 2 [Orange Box]: 15.95
Brink: 15.95
Hunted: The Demon's Forge: 15.95
Dead Space 2 (Platinum): 15.95
Midnight Club Los Angeles (Platinum): 15.95
Call Of Juarez® The Cartel: 15.95
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011: 15.95
Fallout New Vegas: 15.95
Grand Theft Auto IV (4) Platinum: 15.95
Fallout 3: Game Of The Year Edition: 15.95
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (Platinum): 15.95
Tekken 6 (Platinum): 15.95
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare: 15.95
The Sims 3: 17.45
Vanquish: 17.45
Monopoly Streets: 18.45
Major League Baseball 2K11: 18.45
FIFA 11 (Platinum): 18.45
Skate 3: 18.45
Grand Theft Auto IV: Episodes From Liberty City: 18.45
Agarest: Generations of War: 18.45
Red Dead Redemption: 18.45
The X-Factor (Includes 2 Microphones): 18.45
Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition: 18.45
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition: 19.95
Deus Ex 3: Human Revolution: 20.95
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part Two: 21.95
Summer Challenge: 22.45
Dead Rising 2: Off The Record: 22.45
Dance! It's Your Stage: 22.45
Arcana Heart 3 (Limited Edition): 22.45
The Beatles Rock Band: Two Microphone Pack: 22.45
Splinter Cell Trilogy: HD Collection: 22.45
Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction & Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time (Platinum Twin Pack): 22.45
Crysis 2: 22.45
Test Drive Unlimited 2: 22.45
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine: 22.45
Infamous 2: 22.45
Get Up And Dance: 24.95
Shadows Of The Damned: 29.45
Driver: San Francisco: 29.45
Alice: Madness Returns: 29.45
Red Dead Redemption Game Of The Year Edition: 29.45
Team Ico – Ico & Shadow of the Colossus HD: 30.95
The Penguins of Madagascar: Dr. Blowhole Returns Again: 36.95
The Cursed Crusade: 36.95
Gran Turismo 5: Collector's Edition: 36.95
TinTin: The Secret Of The Unicorn Bundle ( With The Adventures of TinTin DVD): 42.95
Spider-Man: Edge of Time (Pre-order Exclusive Big Time Unlock): 42.95
PES 2012: Pro Evolution Soccer: 42.95
F1 2011: 42.95
Driver: San Francisco Collector's Edition: 42.95
TinTin: The Secret Of The Unicorn Bundle ( With The Adventures of TinTin Blu Ray): 47.95

Mind Body and Soul: Nutrition Matters: 4.95
Rock Band: The Beatles (solus): 9.95
Tatsunoko Vs Capcom Ultimate All Stars: 11.45
Zak And Wiki: Quest For Barbaro's Treasure: 12.45
Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4: 13.45
Family Trainer - Outdoor Challenge: 15.95
Mario Tennis: New Play Control : 15.95
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part One: 15.95
Get Up And Dance: 18.45
Dance! It's Your Stage: 18.45
Just Dance 2: 18.45
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part Two: 21.95
Summer Challenge: 22.45
Sonic Colours: 22.45
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus: 28.45
Just Dance 3 Special Edition (Includes Bonus Tracks): 28.45
TinTin: The Secret Of The Unicorn Bundle ( With The Adventures of TinTin DVD): 30.95
Cooking Mama World: Babysitting Mama: 30.95
TinTin: The Secret Of The Unicorn Bundle ( With The Adventures of TinTin Blu Ray): 40.45

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars 3D (3DS): 18.45
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell 3D (3DS): 18.45
Driver: Renegade 3D (3DS): 22.45
TinTin: The Secret Of The Unicorn ( With The Adventures of Tintin DVD): 42.95
TinTin: The Secret Of The Unicorn ( With The Adventures of Tintin Blu Ray): 48.95

Guilty Gear Accent XX Core Plus Limited Edition: 12.45
Final Fantasy® IV: The Complete Collection: 12.45
Lego Batman: 13.45

Aliens Vs Predator: 7.45
Star Wars - Knights Of The Old Republic II - The Sith Lords: 8.95
Brink: 12.45
The Witcher [Enhanced Edition] Platinum: 12.45
Dead Rising 2: Off The Record: 15.95
Fallout 3: Game Of The Year Edition: 15.95
Hunted: The Demon's Forge: 15.95
Dead Space 2: 15.95
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood: 15.95
Fallout New Vegas: 15.95
History Great Battles: Medieval: 15.95
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part One: 15.95
Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition: 15.95
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part Two: 17.45
Crysis 2: 17.45
Alice: Madness Returns: 17.45
Sid Meier's Civilization V (5): 18.45
Total War: Shogun 2: 19.95
Driver: San Francisco: 22.45
Airline Tycoon 2: 22.45
The Sims Medieval Limited Edition (PC/Mac): 22.45
TinTin: The Secret Of The Unicorn Bundle ( With The Adventures of TinTin DVD): 29.45
TinTin: The Secret Of The Unicorn Bundle ( With The Adventures of TinTin Blu Ray): 36.95

Geplaatst op 23-10-2011 20:46

Laatste reacties

avatar van ConAir
ConAir ( 4490   2) 23-10-2011 21:09
Zitten mooie titels tussen. Mijn oog viel eigenlijk vrijwel direct op Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Edition. Voor dat geld heb je echt uren speelplezier met een goede oude FF titel.
avatar van Krichat
Krichat ( 3795 ) 23-10-2011 21:13
Nice Fallout Goty!
avatar van Asificare
Asificare ( 218 ) 23-10-2011 21:33
Nu al een paar weken niet echt iets wat ik wil voor deze prijzen, jammer.
avatar van Aapinator
Aapinator ( 1562 ) 23-10-2011 21:52
Balen dat ze geen Deus Ex meer hebben voor de PC.
avatar van Stephan1234
Stephan1234 ( 2916   2) 23-10-2011 22:29
@krichat, bij amazon is het ook ongeveer voor dezelfde prijs en heb je hem sneller binnen
avatar van Arabyus
Arabyus ( 7638   3) 23-10-2011 22:58
Rol: Forum Moderator
De Fallout GOTY was volgens mij al een tijdje deze prijs.
avatar van _Casper_
_Casper_ ( 499 ) 23-10-2011 23:08
jammer dat tintin/kuifje zoduur is
wil em graag spelen maar niet meer dan 20 euro ervoor betalen
avatar van Sebasmeer
Sebasmeer ( 49   6) 24-10-2011 10:46
Ze zijn elke week toch weer goed bezig bij Zavvi, maar het is toch echt week 43: http://www.weeknummer.nl/
avatar van McVirusS
McVirusS ( 24 ) 24-10-2011 13:30
Ze hebben ook Xbox360 zwarte wireless controller voor €22,45. Lijkt me ook behoorlijk goede deal (heb ik zelf besteld).

avatar van Mathorne
Mathorne ( 247   1) 26-10-2011 12:49
Vond ik op internet; Bij zavvi.nl 4 euro korting bij een bestelling van 40euro met de code:

Toen ik voor 50 euro had geplaatst pakte hij hem niet goed, toen ik nog een product bijvoegde deed die het wel...
avatar van Mr. Cheapo!
Mr. Cheapo! ( 7446 ) 29-10-2011 05:13
Helaas alweer niets in de aanbieding voor de NDS.... voor de rest de gebruikelijke aanbiedingen.