Het is weer bijna maandag en dan is het weer tijd voor de MegaMonday bij Zavvi.com. De uitschieters zijn Saints Row: The Third voor 30.95, Lord of the Rings: War in the North voor 34,45 en Red Dead Redemption Game Of The Year Edition voor 24,95.
Xbox 360
Band Hero (Solus): 6.45
Yoostar 2: 9.95
Mass Effect: 11.45
Metro 2033 (Classics): 11.45
Just Cause 2 (Classics): 12.45
Dungeon Siege 3: 12.45
PES 2011: Pro Evolution Soccer: 12.45
Forza 3 Ultimate Edition Classics: 12.45
Champion Jockey (Kinect): 12.45
Knights Contract: 12.45
Prototype (Classics): 12.45
Operation Flashpoint: Red River: 12.45
Darksiders (Classics): 12.45
Modern Warfare 2: 12.45
Halo: Reach: 12.45
Gears Of War 2 (Classics): 12.45
Saw 2: Flesh & Blood: 12.45
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (Classics): 12.45
Deus Ex 3: Human Revolution: 12.45
nail'd: 12.45
Fable III (3): 12.45
Majin And The Forsaken Kingdom: 12.45
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West: 12.45
Bayonetta: 13.45
Final Fantasy XIII (Classics): 14.95
Thor: God Of Thunder: 14.95
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing: 14.95
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow: 15.95
Duke Nukem Forever: 15.95
Arcana Heart 3: 15.95
Mafia 2: Director's Cut (Classics): 15.95
Major League Baseball 2K11: 15.95
Grand Theft Auto IV: Episodes From Liberty City: 15.95
Bodycount: 15.95
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron: 15.95
Tekken 6: 15.95
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine: 15.95
Grand Theft Auto IV (4) Classic: 15.95
Alice: Madness Returns: 17.45
Shadows Of The Damned: 17.45
Sonic Free Riders (Kinect): 17.45
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters: 17.45
Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition: 18.45
Dr Kawashima’s Body and Brain Exercises (Kinect): 18.45
Rise Of Nightmares (Kinect): 18.45
Motion Sports: Adrenaline (Kinect): 18.45
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2: 18.45
Generator Rex: 18.45
Dreamworks Racing: Superstar Kartz: 18.45
The Penguins of Madagascar: Dr. Blowhole Returns Again (Kinect): 18.45
Tropico 4 - Special Edition: 18.45
Earth Defence Force: Insect Armageddon: 18.45
The Cursed Crusade: 18.45
NBA 2K11: 18.45
Raving Rabbids: Alive and Kicking (Kinect): 18.45
Driver: San Francisco: 18.45
DanceEvolution (Kinect): 18.45
Test Drive Unlimited 2: 18.45
NCIS: 18.45
Dodonpachi Resurrection: 18.45
Pictionary: Ultimate Edition (uDraw): 24.95
Sonic Generations (Exclusive Downloadable Avatars) : 24.95
Arcana Heart 3 (Limited Edition): 24.95
Rapala Fishing (Kinect): 24.95
Big League Sports (Kinect): 24.95
Cabela's Adventure Camp: 24.95
Cabela's Survival: Shadows of Katmai: 24.95
Rage: Anarchy Edition: 24.95
SpongeBob: Surf & Skate Roadtrip (Kinect): 24.95
Red Dead Redemption Game Of The Year Edition: 24.95
The Adventures Of Tintin: The Secret Of The Unicorn The Game: 24.95
Deepak Chopra's: Leela (Kinect): 24.95
Portal 2: 24.95
Puss in Boots (Kinect): 24.95
Hasbro Family Game Night 4: The Game Show Edition: 28.45
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars: 28.45
Winter Stars (Kinect): 29.45
Disney Universe: 30.95
Just Dance 3 Special Edition (Includes Bonus Tracks) (Kinect): 30.95
Duke Nukem Forever: Balls of Steel Edition: 30.95
The Sims 3: Pets: 30.95
F1 2011: 30.95
Saints Row: The Third: 30.95
Gears Of War 3: 30.95
Lord of the Rings: War in the North : 34.45
NBA 2K12 (Pre-Order Edition): 36.95
X-Men: Destiny: 36.95
DJ Hero 2 Party Pack (Double Deck): 36.95
Forza Motorsport 4 : 36.95
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine (Collector's Edition): 42.95
007: Goldeneye Reloaded: 42.95
uDraw HD Gametablet with Instant Artist Bundle: 71.45
Band Hero (Solus): 6.45
Yoostar 2: 9.95
SingStar: Guitar: 12.45
PlayStation Move: Move Fitness: 12.45
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011: 12.45
Champion Jockey (Playstation Move Compatible): 12.45
Little Big Planet: 12.45
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 (Platinum): 12.45
DanceStar Party: 12.45
Operation Flashpoint: Red River: 12.45
Tomb Raider Trilogy: 12.45
Deus Ex 3: Human Revolution: 12.45
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West: 12.45
Dungeon Siege 3: 12.45
Tekken 6 (Platinum): 12.45
De Blob 2: 12.45
Ratchet and Clank - Quest for Booty: 12.45
SingStar: Take That (Solus): 12.45
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (Platinum): 12.45
nail'd: 12.45
Splatterhouse: 12.45
Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Defenders of the Core: 14.95
Thor: God Of Thunder: 14.95
Final Fantasy XIII (Platinum): 14.95
Star Ocean: The Last Hope - International: 14.95
Yakuza 4: 14.95
Midnight Club Los Angeles (Platinum): 15.95
Arcana Heart 3: 15.95
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron: 15.95
Blur : 15.95
Major League Baseball 2K11: 15.95
Bodycount: 15.95
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine: 15.95
Prince Of Persia Trilogy: HD Collection: 15.95
Grand Theft Auto IV: Episodes From Liberty City: 15.95
Splinter Cell Trilogy: HD Collection: 15.95
Demon's Souls: 15.95
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow: 15.95
Mafia 2: Directors Cut (Platinum): 15.95
Duke Nukem Forever: 15.95
Grand Theft Auto IV (4) Platinum: 15.95
Shadows Of The Damned: 17.45
Alice: Madness Returns: 17.45
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters: 17.45
The Penguins of Madagascar: Dr. Blowhole Returns Again: 18.45
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 (Platinum): 18.45
Motion Sports: Adrenaline (Move): 18.45
UFC Personal Trainer (Move): 18.45
Generator Rex: Agent of Providence: 18.45
Dreamworks Racing: Superstar Kartz: 18.45
NCIS: 18.45
Transformers: Dark of the Moon: 18.45
Test Drive Unlimited 2: 18.45
Driver: San Francisco: 18.45
NBA 2K11: 18.45
Red Dead Redemption: 18.45
House Of The Dead: Overkill - Extended Cut: 18.45
Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition: 18.45
Earth Defence Force: Insect Armageddon: 18.45
Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare: 18.45
Portal 2: 24.95
Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction & Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time (Platinum Twin Pack): 24.95
Pictionary: Ultimate Edition (uDraw): 24.95
Arcana Heart 3 (Limited Edition): 24.95
Rage: Anarchy Edition: 24.95
Marvel Super Hero Squad Comic Combat : 24.95
Cabela's Adventure Camp: 24.95
Cabela's Survival: Shadows of Katmai: 24.95
The Cursed Crusade: 24.95
Sonic Generations (Exclusive Downloadable Dynamic Themes): 24.95
Red Dead Redemption Game Of The Year Edition: 24.95
Ace Combat Assault Horizon Limited Edition Folded Box: 24.95
The Adventures Of Tintin: The Secret Of The Unicorn The Game: 24.95
Phineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd Dimension: 24.95
Puss in Boots: 24.95
Hasbro Family Game Night 4: The Game Show Edition: 28.45
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars: 28.45
Winter Stars (Move): 29.45
Duke Nukem Forever: Balls of Steel Edition: 30.95
The Sims 3: Pets: 30.95
Disney Universe: 30.95
Spider-Man: Edge of Time (Pre-order Exclusive Big Time Unlock): 30.95
Saints Row: The Third: 30.95
Dead Island: 30.95
F1 2011: 34.45
Lord of the Rings: War in the North : 34.45
X-Men: Destiny: 36.95
DJ Hero 2 Party Pack (Double Deck): 36.95
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine (Collector's Edition): 42.95
Ratchet & Clank: All for One: 42.95
uDraw HD Gametablet with Instant Artist Bundle: 71.45
Pac-Man Party: 12.45
Champion Jockey: 12.45
Disney's Epic Mickey: 12.45
House Of The Dead: Overkill: 13.45
Toy Story 3: 13.45
Nickelodeon Fit: 15.95
Hello Kitty Seasons: 15.95
Trivial Pursuit: Bet You Know It: 17.45
Hasbro Family Game Night 4: The Game Show Edition: 17.45
Monopoly Collection: 17.45
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters: 18.45
UFC Personal Trainer: 18.45
Disney Universe: 24.95
Go Vacation : 31.95
Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword: 39.45
Puzzler Mind Gym 3D: 18.45
Ridge Racer (3DS): 18.45
FIFA 12: 24.95
Shinobi: 24.95
Lego Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Video Game (3DS): 24.95
WWE All Stars : 24.95
The Sims 3: Pets: 30.95
Super Pokemon Rumble : 36.95
Super Mario 3D Land: 36.95
Mario Kart 7 (3D): 36.95
Eye of Judgement: Legends: 9.95
Echoshift: 9.95
Tekken 6 (Platinum): 9.95
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II: 13.45
Modnation Racers : 15.95
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs - Fireteam Bravo 3: 18.45
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call Of Pripyat (Stalker) : 4.95
SEGA Mega Drive Classic Collection: Volume 3: 6.45
SEGA Mega Drive Classic Collection Volume 4: 6.45
Aliens Vs Predator: 6.45
Sega Mega Drive Classic Collection: Volume 2: 6.45
Napoleon: Total War: 6.45
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing: 6.45
SEGA Mega Drive Classic Collection: Gold Edition: 8.95
Football Manager 2011: 8.95
Puzzler Triple Pack Volume 1: 9.95
Medieval II: Total War Gold: 11.45
Mount and Blade: With Fire and Sword: 11.45
Homefront: 12.45
Red Faction Armageddon: Command and Recon Edition: 12.45
Nuclear Dawn Plutonium Edition: 12.45
Rift: Special Edition: 12.45
Alice: Madness Returns: 13.45
Super Meat Boy - Ultra Edition: 13.45
Global Ops: Commando Libya: 14.95
Airline Tycoon 2: 14.95
Tropico Trilogy: 14.95
Patrician IV Gold Edition : 14.95
Dungeons: The Dark Lord : 14.95
Global Agenda: 14.95
Disciples III Resurrection: 14.95
Tropico 4 - Special Edition: 15.95
Deus Ex 3: Human Revolution: 15.95
Railworks 2: 15.95
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine: 15.95
Portal 2 (PC/Mac): 17.45
The Adventures Of Tintin: The Secret Of The Unicorn The Game: 18.45
Might & Magic: Heroes VI (6): 18.45
The Cursed Crusade: 18.45
Call of Duty: Black Ops: 18.45
Rage: Anarchy Edition: 18.45
Sid Meier's Civilization V (5): 18.45
Dead Island: 24.95
Football Manager 2012: 24.95
Saints Row: The Third: 34.45
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine (Collector's Edition): 42.95
Zavvi Mega Monday week 49
Geplaatst op 04-12-2011 20:03Laatste reacties
Heb mezelf beloofd eerst al me andere games uit te spelen maar de saints third voor maar 30 euro oef.
Lekker even geduld bewaren en afwachten

Het is ook een game waarbij ze al hebben aangekondigd dat ze heel veel DLC gaan releasen, dus dat is eigenlijk altijd al een goede reden om dan lekker te wachten tot er een 'complete' versie wordt uitgegeven.
Maar ik heb nog zoveel games op de plank liggen :/. Is 1 of beide echt wel de aanschaf waard? Advies svp ;p!

Uhm.. Als ik de game toevoeg aan m'n winkelwagen, verandert de prijs ineens naar 16 euro :s. Waarom is dat?!
Ik ben dus ook maar van plan om het vandaag bij zavvi.com te bestellen
Deus ex 12,50... Fable 12,50... Wat een prijzen!
Maar ik heb nog zoveel games op de plank liggen :/. Is 1 of beide echt wel de aanschaf waard? Advies svp ;p!
Maar ik heb nog zoveel games op de plank liggen :/. Is 1 of beide echt wel de aanschaf waard? Advies svp ;p!
Fable 3 is zeker 12,50 waard

Als je voor de xbox zoekt, kan je ook halen bij Play.com voor 12,49, zonder verzendkosten.Oke.. Dat klinkt op zich wel logisch. Ik heb ook al gezien dat 't wel lukt via zavvi.com, alleen komt er dan weer 1,20 verzendkosten bij. Niet dat dat een drama is, maar toch..