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Zavvi Mega Maandag week 8

Geplaatst op 19-02-2012 21:51
Deze week kijken we eens een keer naar de Mega Maandag aanbiedingen van zavvi.nl. Vaak zit er een klein verschil tussen de bedragen in vergelijking met de Engelse webshop, maar je hoeft dan weer geen verzendkosten te betalen. Enkele titels: Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi voor 31,45 en Final Fantasy XIII-2 voor 29,95.

Xbox 360
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas Classic: 8.45
Prototype (Classics): 16.95
Crackdown: 10.95
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction: 10.95
Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition: 16.95
Resonance of Fate: 16.95
Assassins Creed 2 (Game Of The Year Classics): 13.45
Iron Man 2: 13.45
Bayonetta: 14.45
Grand Theft Auto IV (4) Classic: 16.95
Aliens Vs Predator: 16.95
Dragon Age: Origins : 16.95
Fallout 3: Game Of The Year Edition: 16.95
Deadly Premonition: 17.95
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare: 16.95
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West: 16.95
DarkStar One: Broken Alliance: 13.45
Kinect Sports: 19.45
Grand Theft Auto IV: Episodes From Liberty City: 16.95
Marvel VS Capcom 3: Fate Of Two Worlds: 16.95
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift (Limited Edition): 19.45
Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Defenders of the Core: 13.45
Motion Sports (Kinect Classics): 13.45
Kinect Joy Ride: 16.95
Dance Central (Kinect): 19.45
Gears Of War 3: 21.95
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2: 19.45
Thor: God Of Thunder: 15.95
Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition: 16.95
Rise Of Nightmares (Kinect): 16.95
nail'd: 13.45
Guitar Hero 5 - Guitar Bundle: 43.45
Halo: Reach: 13.45
Fallout New Vegas: 16.95
Bulletstorm: 8.45
Fable III (3): 13.45
The First Templar: 13.45
Brink: 13.45
Fight Night: Champion: 16.95
Transformers 3: War for Cybertron: 19.45
Knights Contract: 13.45
Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare: 16.95
Homefront: 13.45
Lego Star Wars: Complete Saga: 19.45
Mortal Kombat: 19.45
Deus Ex 3: Human Revolution: 13.45
F.E.A.R. 3: 17.95
Tony Hawk: Shred + Board: 21.95
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters: 19.45
SBK: Superbike World Championship 2011: 13.45
Pictionary: Ultimate Edition (uDraw): 16.95
Deepak Chopra's: Leela (Kinect): 19.45
Big League Sports (Kinect): 16.95
LEGO Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Video Game: 21.95
Arcana Heart 3: 16.95
Call Of Juarez® The Cartel: 13.45
Operation Flashpoint: Red River: 13.45
Bodycount: 19.45
Sesame Street: Once Upon A Monster (Kinect): 21.95
Deathsmiles: Deluxe Edition: 16.95
Dreamcast Collection: 10.95
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7: 37.45
UFC Undisputed 3 (Contenders Pre-Order Pack): 46.95
Champion Jockey (Kinect): 13.45
Tour De France 2011: 13.45
Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure: 49.45
Mafia 2: Director's Cut (Classics): 16.95
Assassin's Creed: Revelations: 28.95
Virtua Tennis 4: 16.95
Red Dead Redemption (Classics): 19.45
Arcana Heart 3 (Limited Edition): 28.95
Need for Speed: Shift (Classics): 7.45
Puss in Boots (Kinect): 19.45
Dance Central 2 (Kinect): 31.45
Rage: Anarchy Edition: 16.95
Alice: Madness Returns: 19.45
Final Fantasy XIII-2: 29.95
Forza 3 Ultimate Edition Classics: 13.45
NBA 2K12: 31.45
Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion 5th Anniversary Edition : 19.45
Sonic Generations (Exclusive Downloadable Avatars) : 19.45
Shadows Of The Damned: 14.45
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 : 16.95
Winter Stars (Kinect): 16.95
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection: 35.95
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part Two: 10.95
Disney Universe: 19.45
Catherine: 37.45
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron: 16.95
Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi: 31.45
Dark Souls: 19.45
Duke Nukem Forever: 10.95
Kinect Sports: Season 2: 29.95
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (Classics): 13.45
Rayman Origins: 19.45
Dungeon Siege 3: 13.45

Ratchet and Clank - Quest for Booty: 13.45
SBK X: Superbike World Championship: 13.45
Prototype (Platinum): 16.95
Resonance of Fate: 16.95
Little Big Planet: 13.45
Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare: 16.95
Grand Theft Auto IV (4) Platinum: 16.95
God of War 3 (Platinum): 19.45
Final Fantasy XIII (Platinum): 16.95
Assassins Creed 2 (Game Of The Year Platinum): 13.45
Heavy Rain (Platinum Move Edition): 19.45
Bayonetta: 16.95
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots (Platinum) : 16.95
Tekken 6 (Platinum): 16.95
Call Of Duty: World At War: 16.95
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare: 16.95
Fallout 3: Game Of The Year Edition: 16.95
Prince Of Persia Trilogy: HD Collection: 16.95
Grand Theft Auto IV: Episodes From Liberty City: 16.95
Demon's Souls: 16.95
Tron Evolution: 16.95
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011: 13.45
Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2: 19.45
Bulletstorm: 19.45
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West: 16.95
Fallout New Vegas: 16.95
Vanquish: 16.95
Band Hero (Solus): 7.45
Mindjack: 10.95
UFC Personal Trainer (Move): 16.95
Brink: 13.45
Knights Contract: 13.45
Homefront: 13.45
Fight Night: Champion: 16.95
Lord of the Rings: War in the North : 28.95
Lego Star Wars: Complete Saga: 19.45
Virtua Tennis 4 (Move and 3D Compatible): 16.95
Yakuza 4: 13.45
Tony Hawk: Shred + Board: 21.95
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7: 43.45
The Penguins of Madagascar: Dr. Blowhole Returns Again: 19.45
Pictionary: Ultimate Edition (uDraw): 16.95
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron: 16.95
Generator Rex: Agent of Providence: 19.45
Arcana Heart 3 (Limited Edition): 28.95
Operation Flashpoint: Red River: 13.45
Tour De France 2011: 13.45
Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure: 49.45
Neverdead: 43.45
Bodycount: 19.45
LittleBigPlanet 2 (Platinum): 19.45
Killzone 3 (Platinum): 19.45
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection: 35.95
Puss in Boots: 19.45
Sonic Generations (Exclusive Downloadable Dynamic Themes): 19.45
King of Fighters XIII: 28.95
UFC Undisputed 3 (Contenders Pre-Order Pack): 46.95
Dungeon Siege 3: 13.45
Rayman Origins: 17.95
Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion 5th Anniversary Edition: 19.45
Call Of Juarez® The Cartel: 13.45
Rage: Anarchy Edition: 16.95
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (Platinum): 13.45
Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten: 31.45
Alice: Madness Returns: 19.45
Guitar Hero 5 Guitar Bundle: 43.45
LEGO Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Video Game: 21.95
Dead Rising 2: Off The Record: 16.95
Let's Dance: 10.95
Winter Stars (Move): 16.95
EyePet & Friends: 13.45
PlayStation Move: Carnival Island: 10.95
Tomb Raider Trilogy: 13.45
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Platinum): 19.45
Catherine: 37.45
National Geographic Challenge!: 9.95
Assassin's Creed: Revelations (Includes Original Assassin’s Creed): 28.95
Marvel Super Hero Squad Comic Combat : 19.45
Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi: 31.45
Champion Jockey (Playstation Move Compatible): 13.45
Dark Souls: 19.45
Lego Rock Band: 13.45
House Of The Dead: Overkill - Extended Cut: 16.95
NBA 2K12: 31.45
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part Two: 10.95
Mafia 2: Directors Cut (Platinum): 16.95
Gran Turismo 5 (Platinum): 19.45
Final Fantasy XIII-2: 29.95
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters: 19.45
Duke Nukem Forever: 10.95

House Of The Dead: Overkill: 16.95
Tony Hawk: Shred + Board: 21.95
Guitar Hero 5 Guitar Bundle: 43.45
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part Two: 19.45
Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure: 49.45
Need For Speed The Run: 19.45

Super Monkey Ball (3DS): 16.95
Madden NFL (3DS): 10.95
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II (3DS): 21.95
Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure: 49.45
Sonic Generations: 21.95
Super Pokemon Rumble : 21.95
WWE All Stars : 16.95
Super Mario 3D Land: 31.45
The Sims 3 (3DS): 13.45

Valkyria Chronicles II: 10.95
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker: 13.45

Fallout 3: Game Of The Year Edition: 13.45
Aliens Vs Predator: 7.45
Grand Theft Auto IV: 16.95
The Witcher [Enhanced Edition] Platinum: 13.45
Fallout New Vegas: 13.45
Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition: 13.45
Bulletstorm: 16.95
The Sims 3: 23.95
F.E.A.R. 3: 19.45
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood: 13.45
Deus Ex 3: Human Revolution: 16.95
FIFA Manager 12: 19.45
Nuclear Dawn Plutonium Edition: 16.95
Tropico 4 - Special Edition: 16.95
Dead Island: 19.45
The Sims 3: Pets: 19.45
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part Two: 19.45
Star Wars - Knights Of The Old Republic: 8.45
Mafia 2: Directors Cut: 16.95
Sonic Generations: 16.95
Rage: Anarchy Edition: 13.45
SEGA Mega Drive Classic Collection: Gold Edition: 9.95
Star Wars Force Unleashed: Ultimate Sith Edition: 13.45
Football Manager 2012: 19.45
Civilisation V: Game Of The Year Edition: 19.45

Geplaatst op 19-02-2012 21:51

Laatste reacties

avatar van Coen
Coen ( 1490   14) 19-02-2012 22:13
Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi: 31.45

Kun je beter voor 30 euro bij de Bart Smit meenemen :p
avatar van JohanStompwijk
JohanStompwijk ( 87 ) 19-02-2012 22:39
Dark souls nu maar bestellen. Mooie prijs.
avatar van Ivo001
Ivo001 ( 5603   18) 19-02-2012 22:59
Bulletstorm xbox360 €8,45 ps3 €19,45....
avatar van Mr. Cheapo!
Mr. Cheapo! ( 7446 ) 20-02-2012 07:06
Wederom leuke prijsjes maar weer weinig CE bij hun in de aanbieding!
avatar van TAG_ScorpioN
TAG_ScorpioN ( 270 ) 20-02-2012 09:36
Kunnen jullie de titels per systeem niet op alfabetische volgorde zetten? Dit leest niet echt lekker.
avatar van Henri-Alexander
Henri-Alexander ( 12778 ) 20-02-2012 10:58
Kunnen jullie de titels per systeem niet op alfabetische volgorde zetten? Dit leest niet echt lekker.
Normaal is het op prijs gecategoriseerd. Goedkoopste bovenaan, duurste onderaan, dat per platform. Blijkbaar is er iets niet goed gegaan.
avatar van Ktugach
Ktugach ( 21986   526) 20-02-2012 11:51
Rol: Administrator
Helaas zie ik nu pas dat het sorteren op prijs helaas niet goed werkt op zavvi.nl. Normaal staan ze inderdaad op de prijs gesorteerd.

Volgende week dan maar weer zavvi.com
avatar van LordUgly
LordUgly ( 3846 ) 21-02-2012 00:02
NFS shift voor de xbox heeft een zeer mooie prijs.