"Toch vind ik de reacties erg overdreven. Nintendo heeft inderdaad niet zoveel consoles (en software als gevolg) verkocht als dat ze zouden willen, maar ze naderen wel bijna 6.5 miljoen. "
Maak er maar eerder 5.4 mln van. Sony verkocht er bijna net zoveel in 2.5 maand tijd.
"Nintendo zit op het moment met het probleem dat er een hype bestaat rond het bashen van de Wii U, zowel op social media en fora als in de media... "
Dat heeft te maken met het feit dat de WiiU slecht presteert, niet andersom...
Pachter zei het zojuist wel mooi:
"It is clear to us that the old Nintendo model of proprietary hardware supported by compelling proprietary software is broken," he said. "Nintendo's proprietary software continues to be first rate, but its console hardware is not competitive; the Wii U is under-powered relative to next generation offerings from Sony and Microsoft, and is not competitively priced (priced similar to current generation offerings from the competition). We don't think Nintendo should exit the console hardware business, but think it should consider getting out of the Wii U business, and consider going back to the drawing board on consoles. Nintendo has a console in the marketplace that isn't working, and if it continues to tilt at windmills, its software sales will suffer."
So what's the solution for Nintendo? In Pachter's opinion, the company must swallow its pride and start publishing its first-rate software on competing platforms. Then, once Nintendo is ready to bring a more competitive console to the market, it can withdraw its support from the other systems and focus on its own platform again.
"Under its current business model, if Nintendo discontinued the Wii U, it would sell no console software. We believe that it should reconsider its 'all proprietary, all the time' model, and should consider making its proprietary console software available on other platforms until it is able to release a new console. Once Nintendo has a new console on the market, we think it would make sense for the company to pull all of its software from the PS4 and Xbox One, and go back to being a proprietary software maker. In the meantime, we believe that the company has a problem that it is not acknowledging or addressing," he stated."