Verder is ook het tabje met kortingen op PS3- en PS Vita-games bijgewerkt, zijn er nieuwe digital only titels toegevoegd aan de Digital Discounts, én is er een nieuwe Deal of the Week. Kortom: check een dezer dagen zeker even de PlayStation Store om een aantal deals binnen te harken. Hieronder vind je in ieder geval alle Double Discount en Digital Discounts deals op een rijtje. Welke interessante aanbiedingen heb jij nog gespot?
Met dank aan Budgetgamer Beunhaaz voor het melden van dit nieuws!

Deal of the Week – Geldig tot 9 november 2016
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided was €69,99, nu €44,99 (€30,99(!) in prijslijst)
PlayStation Plus Double Discounts – Geldig tot 24 november 2016 (*)
Adam’s Venture: Origins (PS4) was €49,99, nu €24,99
Alienation (PS4) was €19,99, nu €7,99
Ape Escape 2 (PS4) was €9,99, nu €3,99
Arc the lad: Twilight of the Spirts (PS4) was €14,99, nu €5,99
Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China (PS4) was €9,99, nu €3,99
Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: India (PS4) was €9,99, nu €3,99
Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: Russia (PS4) was €9,99, nu €3,99
Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: Trilogy (PS4) was €24,99, nu €9,99
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag (PS4) was €29,99, nu €11,99
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate (PS4) was €39,99, nu €19,99
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate – Gold edition (PS4) was 69,99, nu €34,99
Assetto Corsa (PS4) was €49,99, nu €29,99
Battlefield-bundle (PS4) was €29,99, nu €17,99
Battlefield Hadline Deluxe Edition (PS4) was €49,99, nu €19,99
Battlefield Hardline Standard Edition (PS4) was €19,99, nu €7,99
BEYOND Two Souls (PS4) was €29,99, nu €11,99
BEYOND Two Souls & Heavy Rain collection (PS4) was €39,99, nu €15,99
BLADESTORM: Nightmare (PS4) was €59,99, nu €17,99
Blood Bowl 2 (PS4) was €49,99, nu €9,99
Brawl (PS4) was €14,99, nu €4,49
Canis Canem Edit (PS4) was €14,99, nu €7,49
Dark Chronicle (PS4) was €14,99, nu €7,49
Dark Cloud (PS4) was €14,99, nu €7,49
Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance (PS4) was €59,99, nu €23,99
Dragon Age Inquisition (PS4) was €19,99, nu €7,99
Dragon Age Inquisition Deluxe Edition (PS4) was €29,99, nu €11,99
Dragon Age Inquisition Deluxe Upgrade (PS4) was €9,99, nu €3,99
Dragon Age Inquisition GOTY (PS4) was €39,99, nu €15,99
Dynasty Warriors 8 Empire (PS4) was €49,99, nu €19,99
Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair (PS4) was €24,99, nu €9,99
EA SPORTS UFC 2 (PS4) was €69,99, nu €27,99
EA SPORTS UFC 2 Deluxe Edition (PS4) was €89,99, nu €35,99
Everybody’s Tennis (PS4) was €9,99, nu €4,99
Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force (PS4) was €59,99, nu €17,99
FantaVision (PS4) was €9,99, nu €3,99
Flockers (PS4) was €24,99, nu €4,99
Grand Ages: Medieval (PS4) was €39,99, nu €11,99
Grand Theft Auto III (PS4) was €14,99, nu €8,99
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas (PS4) was €14,99, nu €8,99
Grand Theft Auto: Trilogy (PS4) was €34,99, nu €20,99
Grand Theft Auto Vice City (PS4) was €14,99, nu €8,99
Gravity Rush Remastered (PS4) was €29,99, nu €11,99
Handball 16 (PS4) was €59,99, nu €17,99
Heavy Rain (PS4) was €29,99, nu €11,99
Injustice: Gods among Us Ultimate Edition (PS4) was €59,99, nu €11,99
JoJo’s Bizare Adventure: Eyes of Heaven (PS4) was €69,99, nu €34,99
Just Sing (PS4) was €39,99, nu €23,99
Kinetica (PS4) was €9,99, nu €3,99
LEGO BATMAN 3: BEYOND GOTHAM (PS4) was €59,99, nu €17,99
LEGO BATMAN 3: BEYOND GOTHAM Premium ed (PS4) was €74,99, nu €22,49
LEGO The Hobbit (PS4) was €59,99, nu €17,99
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (PS4) was €59,99, nu €23,99
Mad Max (PS4) was €69,99, nu €20,99
Manhunt (PS4) was €14,99, nu €8,99
Max Payne (PS4) was €14,99, nu €8,99
MLB 16 The Show Deluxe edition (PS4) was €79,99, nu €31,99
MLB 16 The Show (PS4) was €49,99, nu €19,99
MLB 16 The Show MVP edition (PS4) was €54,99, nu €21,99
Motorcycle Club (PS4) was €24,99, nu €4,99
N.E.R.O. Nothing Ever Remains Obscure (PS4) was €19,99, nu €9,99
OKAGE: Shadow King (PS4) was €9,99, nu €4,99
Omega Quintet (PS4) was €39,99, nu €7,99
PaRappa The Rapper 2 (PS4) was €9,99, nu €4,99
Professional Farmer 2017 (PS4) was €39,99, nu €11,99
PSYCHO-PASS Mandatory Happiness (PS4) was €49,99, nu €29,99
Ratchet & Clank (PS4) was €34,99, nu €17,49
R.B.I. Baseball 16 (PS4) was €23,99, nu €7,19
Rebel Galaxy (PS4) was €19,99, nu €5,99
Republique (PS4) was €29,99, nu €11,99
Rise of the Kasai (PS4) was €14,99, nu €5,99
Rogue Galaxy (PS4) was €14,99, nu €7,49
Samurai Warriors 4 (PS4) was €24,99, nu €12,49
Samurai Warriors 4-II (PS4) was €49,99, nu €24,99
Senran Kagura Estival Versus (PS4) was €44,99, nu €17,99
Star Ocean: IAF Digital Edition (PS4) was €59,99, nu €23,99
Street Fighter V (PS4) was €49,99, nu €24,99
Street Fighter Deluxe Edition (PS4) was €69,99, nu €34,99
The Crew (PS4) was €24,99, nu €12,49
The LEGO movie videogame (PS4) was €59,99, nu €17,99
The Mark of Kri (PS4) was €14,99, nu €7,49
The Order 1886 (PS4) was €39,99, nu €15,99
The Warriors (PS4) was €14,99, nu €8,99
Tom Clancy’s The Division (PS4) was €49,99, nu €29,99
Tom Clancy’s The Division – Gold edition (PS4) was €89,99, nu €53,99
Twisted Metal: Black (PS4) was €9,99, nu €3,99
Ultra Street Fighter IV (PS4) was €24,99, nu €9,99
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection (PS4) was €34,99, nu €20,99
War of the Monsters (PS4) was €9,99, nu €4,99
Wasteland 2: Director’s Cut (PS4) was €39,99, nu €11,99
Wild Arms 3 (PS4) was €14,99, nu €7,49
World of Magic Planar Conquest (PS4) was €28,99 nu €11,59
Worms Battlegrounds (PS4) was €24,99, nu €9,99
Digital Discounts – Geldig tot 25 november 2016
10 Second Ninja (PS4/VITA) was €9,99, nu €4,99
Action Henk (PS4) was €14,99, nu €5,99
Among the Sleep (PS4) was €14,99, nu €6,99
Another World – 20th Anniversary Edition (PS4/PS3/VITA) nu €7,99
Axion Verge (PS4/VITA) was €17,99, nu €10,99
Badland: GOTY (PS3/PS4/VITA) was €11,99, nu €5,19 (*)
CastleStorm Definitive Edition (PS4) was €14,99, nu €5,99
Dangerous Golf (PS4) was €17,99, nu €7,29(*)
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition (PS4) was €9,99, nu €6,49
FEZ (PS3/PS4/VITA) was €9,99, nu €4,99
Filthy Lucre (PS4) was €17,99, nu €9,99
Hand of Fate (PS4) was €17,99, nu €7,29 (*)
Hue (PS4) was €14,99, nu €7,49
Infinity Runner (PS4) was €6,99, nu €2,49
Jotun: Valhalla Edition (PS4) was €17,99, nu €13,49
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime (PS4) was €14,99, nu €7,99
Magicka 2 (PS4) was €14,99, nu €6,99 (*)
Magicka 2 Special Edition (PS4) was €19,99, nu €7,99 (*)
Oceanhorn – Monster of Uncharted Seas (PS4) was €14,99, nu €8,49 (*)
Oxenfree (PS4) was €19,99, nu €10,99 (*)
Paragon Epic Pack (PS4) was €49,99, nu €29,99 (*)
Paragon Epic Prime Pack (PS4) was €29,99, nu €16,99 (*)
Pure Pool (PS4) was €19,99, nu €6,99 (*)
RIVE (PS4) was €14,99, nu €9,99
Shadow Complex Remastered (PS4) was €14,99, nu €6,99
Soul Axion (PS4) was €19,99, nu €7,99
Super Meat Boy (PS4) was €15,99, nu €7,99
Super Mega Baseball (PS4) was €19,99, nu €7,99 (*)
Super Toy Cars (PS4) was €9,99, nu €4,99
Table Top Racing: World Tour (PS4) was €14,99, nu €5,99
The Magic Circle: Gold Edition (PS4) was €19,99, nu €13,29
Virginia – The Game (PS4) was €9,99, nu €5,99
Volume (PS4/VITA) was €17,99, nu €4,29 (*)
(*) Korting alleen geldig met actief PlayStation Plus-lidmaatschap
Check voor meer PS3- en PS Vita aanbiedingen de PlayStation Store.